Jan 30, 2014

Baby's First Outfits

My Dad just had to buy these for the little gummy bears =) Steelers are his team and the Eagles are our team. He said he's not above bribing them to be Steelers fans hah! I think their Dad and Uncle Jimbo might be able to persuade them into liking the Eagles?! 

Jan 20, 2014

7 week 5 day Checkup!

Baby A and Baby B sitting comfortably at their check-up. They are now 7w5d. 

Baby A now has a heartbeat of 153 and is measuring at 12.72 mm!

Baby B now has a heartbeat of 159 and is measuring at 11.00 mm!

Jan 14, 2014

Chalkboard Announcement

Garrison Twins 
Estimated Arrival
September 2014

Pregnant vs. Not Pregnant

There is NO denying that dark line! The test line was darker than the control line! 

Two Little Marshmallows

Our two little marshmallows at 5 weeks 4 days!

Olive & Paisley are going to be big sisters!

These two little girls are so use to being the only babies in the house. They are BEYOND spoiled and I know they will be great protectors and even better Big Sisters!

Meet Mommy & Daddy Garrison

Me and my amazing and ever so caring husband at our work Christmas Party just 2 weeks before we found out we will soon be new parents to TWINS!