May 2, 2015

Some things I've learned as a Mommy (to twins)

They tell you that your life will change once you have babies. You half listen and think yeah okay and go about your day. I'm telling you now...LIFE CHANGES ONCE YOU HAVE BABIES! And I'm not talking about things like you can't go out to have a drink anymore, you can't sleep in, you can't just go anywhere at the drop of a hat. All of those things are part of the change but what I'm talking about is the small things you didn't foresee when the 3 dozen people tried warning you while you were still pregnant and semi carefree.

Everything and I mean EVERYTHING is rushed. It could be the smallest of chores but you better get it done as quickly as possible before you're interrupted to a crying baby or to a doggy that has to go outside to pee. I can't tell you how many times I thought it was safe to run to the bathroom to pee really quick only to be stopped and have to go do something else. And food, I'm really not sure how I haven't lost more weight because who has time to eat! And with breastfeeding twins I'm always starving!
Your job is never done. There was that one time that I thought oh the babies are sleeping I'm going to go take a bath and maybe try to get past the first chapter on that new book I started only to be reminded that there is a pile of dirty bottles to be washed, I am an hour past my pumping time, and when the heck was the last time the dogs were out!? It seems like there's not enough hours in a day. You get done with one thing to only move on to the next. I try to finish what I'm doing so I don't have to go back to it multiple times. These failed attempts are comical in a way because if I was an outsider looking in you would see me as that clutsy always fumbling character who has a spinning head and six arms going in every direction. That's how I see myself in my mind anyway.

Funnily enough as I write this I am staring at the monitor watching both babies toss and turn and I know within minutes I will be pulled away. So scrub that toilet with lightning fast arms, spin like a tornado through your house picking up all the toys and the half attempts at chores and realize that no matter what you have planned for the day probably will not get done.

There are plenty more things that I have learned along this 10 month journey so far but right now I have a little guy who is smiling at the camera waiting for me to come get him and a little girl who if I don't go get quickly will turn into a little diva!