Feb 24, 2014

13 Week Chalkboard

13 weeks! Wahoo! This is an important week for me just because if I'm lucky (which I'm normally not) this means it will get me out of the dreaded morning sickness! I would like to be able to read a restaurant menu without dry heaving! Or smell my husbands cooking without begging him to eat it quicker so I don't have to smell it. They are the size of a peach this week which seems unreal to me. I don't feel like I have two peaches in there? In this picture it looks bigger than in person only because of the angle I am standing. But to people who see me and don't know I am pregnant, they would just think I ate a big bowl of spaghetti.

Over the weekend I went "maternity" shopping just to see what they had out there. And let me say I was pretty disappointed in the selections! It's either blah and boring and just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I should have to sacrifice style or they were $25 for a plain white tshirt?! I'm a thrifter and can't imagine spending $50 for two tshirts?! So, I will just stick to my own clothes till it's time to move it on up and then I will just buy a size or so bigger.

The dresser I am standing by was "refurbed" just for the babies room. It was a dresser that I fell in love with at the flea market a few years ago and finally decided it was time to give it a face lift. At first I was against changing the color just because it's naturally pretty on it's own. But beings it was going in the nursery I wanted a softer not so dark vibe to it. I think it turned out perfect!

How far along?- 13 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain- I've lost 12 lbs since finding out at 5 weeks. The morning sickness is to blame!
Stretch Marks- Nope! And I hope to keep this answer the same every week! I've been lathering up morning and night!
Sleep- this is funny! I've always been a light sleeper but how light is so light that your not even really sleeping! My best minutes of sleep are between hitting the snooze button 4 times before actually getting up!
Miss Anything?- I miss not worrying all the time. I feel like my brain won't shut off and I'm constantly over thinking EVERYTHING!
Food Cravings-  None really. It's still a little touch and go on what I trust to not make me sick. I am dreaming of the day when I can eat a cheesesteak and the grease not kill me!
Anything make you queasy or sick?- Temperature changes. Going outside or coming back in. It's been freezing here and the difference in the air triggers the dry heaves? Even getting in or out of the shower will make me sick? It's strange.
Showing Yet?-  A little? I think it's what I've always had just maybe a little bit harder.
Gender Prediction- Everyone is guessing two girls, which is what I have stuck in my head now. But if I had a choice I would like one of each. Being that they are fraternal we have a greater chance of getting a boy and a girl. If they were identical it wold have to be one or the other.
Looking forward to-  We go to our regular O.B on Tuesday (which is my husbands birthday!) and I am not above begging for an ultrasound! And then on Thursday we see the high risk doctor. It's just protocol at this point.
Best Moment of the week?- Finally feeling well enough to drive myself shopping. Even though the whole time I was wishing I was snuggling on the couch with the doggies!

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