Our family and close friends already know what it has been like the past 3 years with trying to start a family and have children but I want to write this to my babies who someday may read it and know just how much we wanted them and how hard their Daddy and I worked on making our family happen.
David and I got married September 10, 2011 and even before that we decided that it was time to start trying to get pregnant. In July of the same year I figured well if I get pregnant before the wedding I won't even be showing yet and I should still fit in my dress. And how awesome would it be to announce at the wedding that we were pregnant. It would be such great timing cause everyone we love and cherish would all be in one place and could hear the great news together. Our wedding came and went and still no positive pregnancy test. I just figured it was no big deal and it was probably just the stress from the wedding planning and that we would probably get pregnant once the hype from the wedding was over.
Our honeymoon to Jamaica was in October and I figured this is it, how "romantic" would it be if we were to go on our honeymoon and come home pregnant!!! The following month I had no doubt that the test would come back positive. I even had it planned out in my head I would take the test and buy a onesie that said Hi Daddy on it and show it to Dave when he got home. I took the test and was almost convinced it was wrong when it said not pregnant. So I waited a few days and took another...nothing.
This happened every month for three years. Month after month buying tests, having hope and wondering why this was happening! Before I had thought getting pregnant was easy. People do it all the time...even on accident and not trying. So how is it possible that we are doing everything right and still nothing is happening. We talked to a few family members, close friends and even a doctor and they said "your timing is off", "your stressing too much", "it will happen when it's supposed to happen"... all of this made me think nothing was wrong. I'm not really sure why we waited so long to go get help. Maybe the fear of the unknown, the denial of thinking that something could actually be wrong and of course the reality of what if we can never have children?
Finally we got our minds together and I was determined to be pregnant by the end of 2013. So we went in June to CNYFC, that's Central New York Fertility Center in Syracuse. They explained all that they they do from minimal intervention such as medications to the extreme IVF (Invitro fertilization). I remember as they were explaining the IVF process to us I interrupted the nurse and explained to her that I was certain we didn't need to hear the steps in IVF because again I was in denial of just how much help we needed. And besides, the cost of what IVF was I was really hoping that all we needed was some medications and voila like magic...a baby!!! David and I had to go through testing and lab work and a procedure where they make sure there are not any blockages. As this is happening over the course of a few weeks all I can think is I hope it's me, I hope I'm the reason why we can't get pregnant. I didn't want it to be David. I felt like I could handle it better if it was me. I didn't want that burden on him. Our results came back and I was 100% in the clear. No blockages, no health issues and fertile as they come. But David's results came back... it was what we both had wished to not happen. He had something that's about 15 letters long that I cannot even pronounce. But basically it's low count, low motility and misshapen sperm. For sperm to be considered successful you need to have a count of 20 million+ and for an oval head and strong tail. David had less than 1 million and was shaped round. So even if they made it to the egg they did not have the ability to penetrate it. The Dr's explained that this was something that was decided on as he was a fetus and was nothing that was done by habits or by nature. So it was something that he had before he was even born. There's no fixing it, there's no making it better and there's definitely no babies produced with it.
Mind blown! Both of us were devastated. But in our strong pursuit we asked what our options were. This was not going to prevent us from having children. This was just a road bump. Success on our own was less than 1%, medications would have done nothing, IUI ( Intrauterine insemination) would give us only a 2-3% chance of success and IVF would give is a 40-50% chance. And that's better than nothing! So that's what we decided. IVF or bust!
On Thanksgiving I had to start my medications to produce a bunch of eggs so they Dr's could pick the strongest ones to use. 10 days of stabbing myself in the stomach with 3 needles a night. It actually wasn't that bad. I had never given myself a needle and thought it was going to be terrible but I think the hope of what the outcome could be pushed me through it every time. After the 10 days we went back to CNYFC and they retrieved 13 eggs. 11 eggs were strong enough to be fertilized, 8 eggs actually made it through fertilization and 6 made it through the 5 day test. So we now had 6 embryos that were able to be transplanted back. We went on December 14th for the transfer and decided to have 2 embryos put back in hopes that 1 would stick. We knew twins was a possibility and even discussed that it may be better if it was twins because we knew we wanted more than one child and probably wouldn't have enough financially to do IVF again. So we were happy with 2 transferred.
And there they were, our two babies who would be our Willow & Remington. I've looked at this picture 100 times during the 10 day wait to find out if either had decided to implant themselves. These two cells were all I could think about. 10 days is a lifetime when your waiting to see what your future will be!
On Dec 22nd I could not wait any longer. I took a test a day earlier than they said because the excitement was too much to hold in! When I told David he thought I was lying! So I went and took another one and again it said Pregnant!!!
On Dec 23rd we went back to CNYFC. They drew some blood and said we will call you in 2-3 hours. Oh geesh 2-3 more hours! How could I possibly wait another minute! I had taken the two tests the day before but wasn't going to rely fully on that. And I had wondered if 1 or both had implanted. Finally we got the call. YOUR PREGNANT!!! And with your counts being so high we believe you are pregnant with twins! That was the best phone call I will ever receive!
I got my wish. I was pregnant before 2013 was over. Boy are we such procrastinators!
Remington =)
Willow =)
I wasn't sure if I wanted to share our story mainly because I didn't want peoples opinions, judgement and beliefs. And because I was not the one with the fertility issue it was not my place to be sharing. Some think intervening in the way nature was intended is wrong, some think poorly on IVF cause they've read a story about how it didn't work or something wrong happened. These opinions I didn't want to hear. I knew eventually I would open up about our journey but I wanted to wait until they were born. Until people could see their sweet faces and know just how much David and I wanted a family. Some may think we took the easy way out by having this procedure done. That we cheated or took a shortcut. But what I say to them is there is nothing easy about any of it. It was a long hard road of doubt, fear, and worries. And every minute of it was worth it!
So there it is. Our journey. One I have realized that a lot of people have to take. I never knew just how many people are having problems with fertility until I myself started to open up and talk about it. It's not as simple for some as it is for others. Some don't get their family the "old fashioned" way. Some have to take a detour. Our detour was amazing and I would do it all over again!