26 Weeks!
Weekly Update:
How far along: 26 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain- Stayed the same as last week
Stretch Marks- Zilch!
Sleep- Is getting tough. My legs, hips and back are quite achy and sore when I try to roll over. But if I don't roll over my arms and legs fall asleep.
Miss anything- Standing up or sitting down without it aching. I feel like I rode a horse or went jet skiing. My legs from hips to ankles feel beat up.
Food Cravings- I really wanted pork n beans the other day? I don't think it's cravings but more of I get the idea in my head that I want it and think I need it. It's the stubbornness in me!
Anything make you sick/queasy- Nothing.
Showing Yet- Aint no hiding this bump!
Gender Prediction- Sweet lil girl and boy <3
Willow Grace & Remington David <3 <3 <3
Looking forward to- Our ultrasound next week on June 5th with the high risk doctor. I want to see how much they weigh in this month. Last month they were 1.4 lbs. I'm guessing they are 2.0 lbs now. They are def growing because I can feel them move even more in the last 2 weeks. Remington moves so much and I told David he's twerking in there hahh. Willow moves only in the morning when I first wake up and at night when I'm laying on my side. She is softer and more gentle where Hemi is more of a thumper kind of guy.
Best Moment of the week- Memorial Day was Monday and David & I worked a half day then went to my Dad's house for a cookout. It was so nice to have the whole family there. We ate lots of food and although I sat most of the time and watched everyone play horseshoes, I still ahd some great conversation with my grandparents and my Aunts and Uncles =)