Remington <3
Willow <3
Both babies facing each other =)
23 Week check up was just yesterday. Oh how I love seeing them on the monitor wiggle around and not even know that we are watching their antics. And by antics I mean Ms. Willow was being a bit spunky yesterday and flashing the goodies to the camera. We seen her little buttcheeks up close and personal! It was funny because she was more active than him but I can feel him move more? They are both 1 lb 4 oz. And their heartbeats are both 141. So they are exactly the same...for right now. In the picture above she is on the left and he is on the right and those are her fists up near her face looking like she's ready to box her brother! The tech said they are taking up every bit of property they can in my belly meaning they are my whole stomach. I asked her where they were and she said they take up my whole belly which seems about right because no matter where you touch it's rock solid and tight. They also did an echocardiogram on both of them just to measure the valves, ventricles and every tiny square inch of their hearts just to make sure they are developing as they should be. The doctor said everything is exactly where he expects it to be and their hearts are developing right on cue.
Weekly Update:
How far along: 23 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain- This was a big gain week. I gained 4 lbs!! My eating habits haven't changed but the babies are putting on the pounds which makes me happy. I want healthy lil chunkers!
Stretch Marks- Nope none. I woke up a few days ago and looked at my belly and got huge cartoon eyes cause I thought I had a stretch mark...luckily it was only where my tshirt had been pushed into my skin while I was sleeping haha
Sleep- I can sleep on the couch like a champion when it's the middle of a weekend day but when it comes to sleeping in my bed at night...NOPE!
Miss anything- Hot dogs on the grill and big fat hoagies! I'll be glad when I can eat deli meats again!
Food Cravings- Big, fat, juicy hot dogs and hoagies with tons of Italian dressing on it!!!
Anything make you sick/queasy- Not really.
Showing Yet- indeedy!
Gender Prediction- Sweet lil girl and boy <3
Willow Grace & Remington David <3 <3 <3
Looking forward to- The next time we get to see them on ultrasound. 4 weeks is so far away!! I hate waiting!
Best Moment of the week- Seeing them move around and knowing that they are right on track and healthy. I was worried about Willow cause I never feel her move. But the scan showed she was more active than Remington so I guess I should pipe it don and not worry so much!
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