Apr 28, 2014

22 Week Chalkboard

22 Weeks!

There's nothing cooler than feeling little tumbles and kicks inside your belly. And after weeks of feeling it I can finally see them through my shirt. We literally sat still for 3 minutes and tried not to blink to watch for the push in my tshirt showing the little ones were having fun inside. It's so neat and so weird at the same time cause before your aware that life is growing but now you can SEE that it's growing by the little flickers. Dave thought it was pretty neat. He sat with his face about 5 inches away and stared continuously until the jump popped under my shirt making it move. TOO COOL!

Weekly Update:

How far along: 22 weeks 1 day 

Total Weight Loss/Gain-   Right back to what I weighed before I got pregnant. I think it has something to do with the Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream?!!!

Stretch Marks- The cocoa butter is working its magic! None yet.

Sleep- Someday...I love sleep so much but it doesn't love me back.

Miss anything-  I'm content at the moment.

 Food Cravings- I sooo want an American hoagie. The kind we made as kids. We would go get all the stuff and make them at home and it would be the biggest, fattest hoagie ever! Too bad I am not allowed any deli meats...wahhhhhh!
Anything make you sick/queasy- Nothing in particular. But I do notice that if I haven't eaten in a while that my senses get more sensitive to smells and that will make me queasy.
Showing Yet- yes oh yes!

Gender Prediction-  Sweet lil girl and boy <3
Willow Grace & Remington David <3 <3 <3

Looking forward to-  Holding their little bodies. I had a dream about Remington and he had so much hair and was wearing a diaper and was just so tiny and wrinkly. I love dreams like that!

Best Moment of the week-  Lunch with my Dad on Saturday and a jewelry party with my Aunt and Grandma on Sunday. Can't wait for my Origami Owl necklace to come in.  I got a heart charm for David, an owl for me, a bone for Olive & Paisley and the initials W and R for the babies. Can't wait to wear it!

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