Apr 15, 2014

20 Week Chalkboard

20 Weeks!

Halfway there!  20 weeks with twins is technically more than halfway beings that most do not go all the way to 40 weeks. When I think of it being more than half over it's kind of bittersweet. Some days it seems like it's gone by so slow but then thinking of it closer to the end than the beginning makes it feel like it's going by fast.
 I've been feeling them move a little bit more now. He is more active and I can feel him on my left side swimming around. Occasionally I will feel her on my right side. They are very alert when I am cleaning the house. I noticed over the weekend doing some spring cleaning that they love to move around when I'm running the vacuum or cleaning out the closets. I don't know if it's because I'm moving around more and going up and down the stairs or if they like Momma's singing as I clean. (Cinderella just popped into my head hah).
I feel bigger everyday. In fact my little niece Krisalyn came over to hang out with her Nakey and I and she likes to know every week what size the babies are, I told her they were as big as bananas. I said she could feel my belly and feel how tough it was and her reply..."I don't want to poke it cause what if it pops like a balloon"?! Hahaha. She is just too adorable! Sometimes I feel like it could pop. It would relieve the pressure on my back and hips!

How far along: 20 weeks 1 day 
Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Still up the just 6 lbs from the 12 lbs I lost in the beginning. I have a feeling that in the following weeks this is where the significant weight gain will be coming into play. 
Stretch Marks- None yet. So far so good! I wish to be one of those women who are blessed with no stretch marks, fingers crossed!
Sleep- Nothing is comfortable. I can't sleep on my sides because it hurts my back and hips. The only position that is comfortable is on my back and that's not allowed. I'll be happy when I can sleep on my stomach again.  
Miss anything- Being able to eat without feeling so full that it makes it hard to sit up.
The ability to crack my back and get some relief. I went to the chiropractor yesterday hoping she could help my back out and we got nothing. Not even a single crack.
The option to take something other than Tylenol for pain. Personally Tylenol does nothing for me so I don't even bother. 
 Food Cravings-Nothing really. There hasn't been one thing that I have to have and cannot be without. Although I have been loving rice crispie treats! 
Anything make you sick/queasy- Not really. It's been a few weeks since I've actually gotten sick.
Showing Yet- Oh yes! 
Gender Prediction-  Little boy and little girl <3 Just thinking about it makes my heart swell up with happiness!
Looking forward to-  Maternity photoshoot, buying baby stuff, picking out invitations, baby shower, newborn photoshoot, our next ultrasound...pretty much anything!
Best Moment of the week-  Getting the cribs on Sunday. My Dad bought both cribs and brought them to the house. We got one put together last night and the room is already coming to life. We're putting the other one together tonight and I can't wait to see them together!

Paisley working hard helping her Daddy put together the crib. She was reading him the instructions hah.

Twin belly at 20 weeks. The bump is not really there, it's an optical illusion created by the stripes! hah. Notice the doggies licking each others faces. They always have to photobomb!

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