Apr 21, 2014

21 Week Chalkboard

21 weeks!

Finally we feel comfortable enough to announce our babies names! We were both so worried about them being taken but both agreed that even if they do, the names will still be used. Were not changing even if there's a big boom in naming your children Willow or Remington. 

Just a little back story on how we chose the names.  Now, no joke I had been writing down babies names for years and adding or crossing off names. When I worked in a doctors office I would come across some of the neatest names and would jot them down. There has been a few that I loved and had we gotten pregnant sooner we would have probably have used them. But looking back now I'm glad we didn't cause it seems those are the names that EVERYONE is now using...like Sophia and Olivia. 

Came about around four months before we got pregnant. My husband and I were talking about our "dream house". I told him that my dream house would be similar to Forrest Gump's with a long driveway lined with weeping willow trees that would sway in the wind on summer days. I then told him how growing up there was a weeping willow tree in the front of my Grandma's yard that me and my brother and my cousins would play under. Now me with constant "baby brain" said how about Willow for a little girl? He didn't like it only because he wouldn't want her nickname to be Will. But after a month of me saying it he came around to love the name. When we finally did get pregnant and learned that they were twins I wanted a girl name that went with Willow. Something feminine and earthy to match. So that's where Winter came from. So, If we were having two girls they would be have been Willow Grace & Winter Rose.


For Remington it's almost just as simple as to how we came up with his name. Again for years I had a tattered up and worn piece of paper that had dozens upon dozens of names on it. Some crossed off and some I loved so much they were on there twice! But none of those names seemed to hit it off with my husband. Now normally he's the kind of guy that goes along with whatever. But when it came to names he was pretty against most of them. 
We were always tossing names around even longgg before getting pregnant so this past Christmas we had gotten my Dad a Remington rifle. It's box sat propped up near they tree waiting to be wrapped and as were getting all the presents around this green logo stuck out from the box. I said to David "What do you think about Remington for a boy"? He didn't have to think about it and didn't even hesitate...he loved it!! So Remington it was to be. Now we found out on Christmas Eve that we were pregnant and that there were two! So again I wanted something to match if it was two boys. I thought of another gun maker that started with an 'R' and Ruger came to mind. Again David loved the name. So, if we were having two boys their names would have been Remington David & Ruger Lee. Lee would have come from David's Grandpa's first name and my Dad's middle name. 

Names that almost made the cut!

I had way more girl names than boys on my list

Noah David (was the #1 until Remington came about)

 Scarlet Rose (Love the name but scarlet letter comes to mind)

 Briella Avery (sounded like umbrella)

 Sophia Avery (became too popular)

Olivia Rose (named our dog Olive instead and the name became over used)

 Brynn (David instantly disliked it)

 Brynlee (same here)

Paisley Grace (loved the name but our puppy came first so she got it)

 Jackson David (Sons of Anarchy show made this one too popular)

Adrianna Grace (had this name since Sopranos was popular...long time ago!)

Greyson David (this was only axed because Greyson Garrison is a tongue twister)

There's plenty more like London, Kennedy, Reagan.... but they were dismissed before they even got off the tip of my tongue! 

I'm very happy with the two that we chose. Other people have voiced their opinions on how they don't like them and like other names instead. But to them I say "to each their own"!

Weekly Update:

How far along: 21 weeks 1 day 

Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Having a scale in my office I weigh myself regularly. I'm not yet back up to my pre pregnancy weight but am close with 4 lbs to go. 

Stretch Marks- I need to go buy another bottle of Cocoa Butter. I ran out this morning and will be immediately going to Rite Aid after work to get another bottle. Morning and night that stuff goes on and so far it's working like a charm!

Sleep-Still a bit tricky. I find myself sleeping better on the couch cause I can sleep propped up on my back. In bed I can't get comfortable on either side and sleeping on your back is a no no. Maybe by my due sate I might finally figure out the whole sleep thing only for it to become untied by two crying hungry babies.

Miss anything- Car rides that weren't so umcomfortable. Every bump and pot hole sends a pain through my stomach and my back. 

 Food Cravings- We made no bakes with Cadbury eggs in the middle to resemble birds nests for Easter and they were AMAZING! I don't crave them but I could eat about 6 more if they were in front of me =)
Anything make you sick/queasy- Knock on wood. Nothing really. Smells at the food court over the weekend had me dry heaving for a second. But I don't think that will change.
Showing Yet- For sure!

Gender Prediction-  Willow Grace & Remington David <3 <3 <3

Looking forward to-  Everything! We have the cribs in and their clothes in there and I get so excited when I see it passing their room.

Best Moment of the week- Shopping and lunch with my friend Denise. And Easter dinner with the family on Sunday.

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