May 13, 2014

24 Week Chalkboard

24 weeks/6 months!

What a great weekend! I was Mother's Day on Sunday and it was 75 degrees out and not a cloud in the sky. I got to spend it with my two sweet lil doggies and my oh so perfect husband.  They got me a beautiful necklace with the Willow and Remington's name on it and also a bracelet with Olive & Paisley's name on it. To go along with it I also got a beautiful jewelry box that says Love you Mommy on top of it. Seeing their names in writing made me cry. It was just so sweet an I loved it!

Weekly Update:

How far along: 24 weeks 1 day 

Total Weight Loss/Gain-   I am the same as last week. Which is okay cause last week was a big gain week.

Stretch Marks- Still none. But I've still have alot of growing to do.

Sleep- Oh brother! My back has been killing me and to sleep I have to move every 20-30 minutes or else I get back cramps. And my dreams are so weird and so unexplained I feel like I never sleep I just live in another world when I sleep.

Miss anything-  Not really. Trying to take everything in strides. 

 Food Cravings- Still no wacky cravings. But I have been wanting breakfast pizza with a ton of cheese on it. Once I get something stuck in my head I can't let it go until I have it. This also goes for food!
Anything make you sick/queasy- Nothing.
Showing Yet- yepps!

Gender Prediction-  Sweet lil girl and boy <3
Willow Grace & Remington David <3 <3 <3

Looking forward to-  Every little kick they give me. I think I'm addicted to it because it's just so fascinating to think there is two little babies growing in there and the fact that they kick me and tell me they are moving makes me smile. I purposely try to get them to move and kick.

Best Moment of the week-  Mothers Day! And thinking next year I will have 2 babies that are 8 months old crawling around. 

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