Mar 31, 2014

18 Week Chalkboard

18 weeks!

I cannot believe this week we get to find out what we are having! Only 4 more days! I really don't know what to expect or how I am going to feel once we know.  I'm excited to finally be able to pick out stuff and go buy cute little baby clothes! And finally know what names out of the four that we will be using. We had to pick 2 girl names and 2 boy names just in case they are 2 of the same. So now I will be able to call them by their names instead of Twin A and Twin B =))

How far along: 18 weeks 1 day 
Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Up 6 lbs from the 12 lbs I lost in the beginning.
Stretch Marks- None. I smell constantly of cocoa butter!
Sleep- Not terrible. Much better than before. But now if I don't have a pillow under my belly when I sleep on my side it feels like it's weighing me down. I used to be a stomach sleeper and now I get the best sleep on my back which I really shouldn't be doing either. But that's how my body naturally shifts as I sleep. 
Miss anything- Being able to horse play with the dogs.  Before I could roll around and let them jump on me and now I'm always protecting myself so they don't step on my stomach. They are only 14 lbs each but  it feels more than that if they even lightly step on me.
 Food Cravings- None really. I get asked this alot and people are almost disappointed that I don't have some weird concoction to tell them of. It's still early though. 
Anything make you sick/queasy- I noticed this morning that I didn't dry heave at all while brushing my teeth! A huge victory for me, I just hope that lasts!
Showing Yet-  Oh yeah. We were at our nephews birthday party over the weekend and the whole family was so happy to see that I finally had something to show off. 
Gender Prediction- 4 days until I can answer this question right! I'm 100% sure there is at least one girl in there. Something just tells me that one is a girl. And my husband has no doubts there is a little boy. So hurry up Friday!!!
Looking forward to- FRIDAY!
Best Moment of the week- Spending time with my husband and with family. AND my Dad ordered the babies cribs so I'm so excited for them to get here so we can put them in!

Mar 24, 2014

17 Weeks Chalkboard

17 Weeks!

I feel that this week was the week that my bump decided it was no longer hiding. I literally woke up last Wednesday morning like "oh, hello there"! My husband said Friday morning that he thinks I got bigger over the last few days, so for him to notice and bring it up it must be true.  
I was thinking that the whole being sick nonsense was done and over with but Sunday night I got terribly sick from a chicken quesadilla and then Wednesday I got sick again from steamed broccoli and carrots? These are things I eat often and I'm not sure why I got sick from it. Maybe the little marshmallows decided they don't like it and they don't want me to be eating it. Nice way to send that message to me! Hah!

How far along: 17 weeks 1 day 
Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Up 3 lbs from the 12 lbs I lost in the beginning.
Stretch Marks- None. Ask again in 10 more weeks! 
Sleep- Better with the Snoogle pillow! Even my dogs love it! I have a picture below showing them snuggled up in it. 
Miss anything- Being able to move without pains in my stomach. The round ligament pain has become annoying with every movement and twist I make. Just bending over, sitting up, or getting out of bed causes pain.
 Food Cravings- I finally ate a cheesesteak but I made it at home so I could drain all the grease off. AND I made a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing! YUMM! The hubby has been loving it as much as me!
Anything make you sick/queasy-  Same ol' stuff. Brushing my teeth and temp changes. I switched back to my electric toothbrush and it's much better than a regular toothbrush. It really stops alot of the dry heaving I was having. 
Showing Yet-  Yes ma'm. People have said I'm carrying high and others say i'm low? I'm really not sure what is is this early in the game but either way they notice!
Gender Prediction- My husband and I were talking about this last night because were convinced along with alot of other people that it's two girls. But what if they decide to shock us all and are two little boys! We're really up in the air with guessing.
Looking forward to- Our appointment on Wednesday with our regular O.B. I'm hoping we can get an ultrasound and see what they are, if not we have an appointment the following Friday with the specialist who said we should be able to find out. I hope the lil buggers cooperate because we have a party planned for April 6th to tell everyone what were having. How crazy would that be to have a gender reveal party where we still don't know what they are!
Best Moment of the week- I finally felt significant movements last Friday. I was cleaning the house and going up and down the stairs and it was as if you were in an elevator that moved too fast or like a free fall. That flop you feel in your stomach is what they kept doing. And it was neat and weird cause I could feel one in the lower left and then one in the middle by my belly button.   

The girls loving my Snoogle pillow. One is in the neck bend and the other in the knee bend. 

Mar 21, 2014

8 week Ultrasound

Baby A

Baby B

This was from the 8 week ultrasound and I must not have remembered to put them on here?! This was the last time we got to see them and I can't imagine what they are gonna look like at our next ultrasound at 18 Weeks! In here you can see their tiny little heads and their small bodies. We are SUPER anxious for next week to get here!!

Mar 17, 2014

16 Weeks Chalkboard

16 Weeks, 4 months!!!

This past weekend was just great! Just what me and the hubby needed! A beautiful cabin tucked away in the woods and nobody but us. No annoying phone calls to interrupt us every 10 minutes, no housework that needed to be done, and no worries about taking a nap in the middle of the day. Usually our weekends consist of him working and even when he is home the phone is ringing nonstop because he is always on call or me trying to play catch up with the housework from the slacking I did throughout the week. Instead we played board games, laid in bed and watched movies, fell asleep in the middle of the day and enjoyed a nice dinner out. Even with all the relaxation I was ready to come home, there's nothing like being in your own home and being close to family. 

Saturday night I got sick and was in and out of the bathroom multiple times through out the night but the only thing I care to remember was the second to last time getting back into bed I felt my stomach "shift. It was 100% the babies moving. I was holding my belly as I laid there and where I had my hand there was a shift. My belly went from soft to instant hard. As sick as I was I became instantly overcome with happiness. It was the first legit feeling of them moving. I laid there for awhile seeing if I could feel more but their show was over. I can't wait for more movement!

How far along: 16 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Still at the same weight. I'm hoping I don't get another lecture at our visit next week on how I should be trying to gain. I eat regularly but it is what it is.
Stretch Marks-  Nope. None as of yet!
Sleep- Is okay. But could be much better. I had a friend suggest the Snoogle pillow and now that I'm convinced it would work wonders for me I'm thinking about going to get it...TONIGHT!! I am using 4 pillows now to sleep, 1 between my knees, one under my belly, one under my arm and then one for my head. The Snoogle could cover all of those areas. 
Miss anything- Knowing my body. Before I would know what to do and what was causing it and how to fix it but now it's a toss up. There's so many changes going on and everyday I notice something else. My hair is very dry and seems to never get oily. Which you think would be good but it's getting wirey.  My nose is always stuffy which I read was hormones increasing and affecting mucus membranes. Headaches that seem to last for days,  the round ligament pain that makes it hard to maneuver, the delightful way my boobs seem to ALWAYS hurt! Like I said...LOTS of changing going on!
 Food Cravings- Still want that Cheesesteak but still am afraid to go there. I don't want to get sick and never want to eat them again. I had a taco salad over the weekend and got violently sick from it. I haven't had ground beef since November ( 5 months) and it definitely made me it's victim! 
Anything make you sick/queasy-  Besides the hamburger! Yes, still the temperature change. Just makes me dry heave. If I don't talk myself down it will make me throw up. 
Showing Yet-  Yepps.  I notice it more than anyone just because although it's barely there it's a different shape.
Gender Prediction- Still going with two girls. Although every bit of me prays for one of each. David really wants to teach his boy the ways of the farm. But even with two girls they will know what a barn smells like, what milk tastes like straight out of the bulk tank and just how their Daddy's family has such pride in Mud Hollow Farms =)
Looking forward to-  Next Thursday's appointment, hoping we get to see what they are and if not we have another appointment 9 days after and ill definitely find out then! 
Best Moment of the week- Watching my husband relax and enjoy his weekend without the ringing of his company phone. It was 29 degrees out and he still jumped in the hot tub and relaxed. It's nice to see him have fun and be silly every once in a while. 

Some pictures from our little getaway!

Mar 14, 2014

Fashion Friday

Fashion Friday

Okay, so the real fashion here is the awesome Boston Terrier phone case. I just love it! It does make picture taking a little harder just because it takes up the picture. But my love for my sweet breed is worth displaying <3
I'm feeling super excited because today we leave for our little weekend getaway! For my husbands birthday I rented a log cabin in the Adirondacks on the U.S/Canadian border. I figured that we won't be having our yearly family vacation this summer with everyone with the babies due this summer so a little time away will be nice. And he is dreadfully difficult to buy for and wants for nothing so why not a little birthday weekend getaway! 

The next few weeks are going to be busy and then after that a whirlwind! We have the regular O.B appointment in 2 weeks for an 18 week checkup and then the high risk O.B in three weeks to have a 19 week check up and an anatomy scan! After that I think everyone will go into baby mode. Knowing what they are, what their names will be, what we can now start buying, planning the shower, getting names and addresses for invites...LOTS of planning to do! And I'm delightfully ready for every minute of it!!

Mar 13, 2014

Tummy Thursday

Tummy Thursday!

It seems like some days I have a belly and then other days it's like "hey, where did it go"?

I went to visit my Grandma and my Aunt Della the other day and my Grandma said I'm very small for being almost 16 weeks and carrying twins. She joked that this is what most people look like after they eat a big plate of spaghetti...MMM SPAGHETTI! So of course after she said that I had to go home and make a big pot! 

I think my belly is still undercover, it's not noticeable when wearing loose tees or sweaters. I'm thinking it's gonna be a couple more weeks before people look at me and say "Yep, she's pregnant".

Mar 10, 2014

Nursery Painting

Lil Olive girl trying to help paint. It's not her strong suit so I told her she could just take a nice nap.

Olive & Paisley snuggled up in the ray of sunshine coming through the window. Even if it's a small slice of sun they will find it and lay in it.

Painting time! The paint is a very light gray. Mu husband just LOVES his picture being taken can't ya tell!
You can see to the right the snuggling doggies laying on the plastic. 

15 Week Chalkboard

15 weeks

      This time change this week with turning the clocks an hour ahead has totally screwed me up? I'm sure it does the same to alot of people but getting up this morning for work I was 100% convinced it was the wrong time and just wanted to go back to bed. After about 10 minutes of one sided conversation with my Olive about how she should kindly go into work for me, I decided I should probably stop being a cupcake and get ready for work. 

It was another busy weekend, plugging away to get the nursery setup. Right now the room is totally empty and when you talk in there it echos. I know I have alot of time but I am stubborn and impatient once I get an idea in my head. So most of the weekend was spent taping off the room and getting a first coat on the walls. It looks just as I pictured it would and I'm anxious to get the cribs in. 

How far along: 15 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain- Still at the same weight now. No more losing but no gain either.
Stretch Marks- I will be so happy if I can answer this NO this whole time!
Sleep- I've got the memory mattress for comfort, the temperature so I'm not dying hot, and the humidifier so I can breath while I sleep. So I should be set right? HAHA!!! Well now it's terrible headaches that I have for days at a time keeping me awake. I can take Tylenol but I really try not to. I read a study that it may cause ADHD in children if taken by the mother while she's pregnant. So I suffer it out until I can't anymore.
Miss anything- This week I miss coffee. I know it' safe to consume 2 caffeinated beverages a day but in the beginning the smell of coffee made me nauseous so I stopped drinking it. I may try a cup later but just the thought of getting sick from it prevents me from indulging.
 Food Cravings- None really. I'm not generally hungry but force myself to eat something. Although I did think about having a nice cucumber sandwich. I wish it wouldn't give me terrible heartburn! My husband thinks it's gross but as kids my brother & I would love picking cucumbers out of the garden and slicing them up on bread and eating them outside in the sun. 
Anything make you sick/queasy- EGGS! I've always been a scrambled eggs and melted cheese lover so this weekend I thought it would be yummy for breakfast. Um, three bites in and I felt as if I had just eaten poison! I sat them on the counter and ran for the bathroom. My husband got home not knowing I was just sick and says ohh those eggs on the counter look so good! Ahhh! Just him saying that made my stomach do flips! So, I will NOT be eating those again, like ever!
Showing Yet- Yep, there's a tummy there. Not noticeable in loose tshirts but fitted tees or tanks and standing to the side, yep definitely there!
Gender Prediction- Still thinking 2 girls, I had a few more people tell me last week that there guess is two girls. But I guess we will find out in 24 days!
Looking forward to- Our mini vacation this weekend! For my hubby's birthday (who is so hard to buy for) I rented a log cabin up in the Adirondacks by the river. He's already got the countdown going. Thinking about the warm crackling fireplace is what got me out of bed this morning.
Best Moment of the week- Saturday morning laying in bed with the window open and the sun shining on my face. It may sound simple but to me it means spring is finally coming. This winter has been too long, too cold and too much snow. 

Mar 7, 2014

Fashion Friday

Fashion Friday??

Not much "fashion" going on here, I'm just super happy that I can still fit in my skinny jeans comfortably at almost 15 weeks! =)  Today is a "bum" day at work cause it's Friday, it's finally warmer outside (It's 22 degrees!!), and because I chose to lay in bed for an extra 30 minutes because I had a snoring doggy laying on my pillow next to me and she was wayyy too cute to wake up. So the results end in jeans, tshirt, and hair in a pony. They say it's the confidence that makes the outfit anyways and today...I got that confidence!

Please excuse all the makeup brushes. We got rid of the makeup room to turn it into the babies nursery and had to put everything in our bedroom. So the full length mirror I had is now gone. Painting the nursery will be our whole agenda this weekend, I'm anxious to get the cribs in!

Mar 3, 2014

14 Week Chalkboard

14 weeks!

I feel like I've doubled in size this week?! Every morning I wake up I lay in bed and feel my belly and am still in shock that there's not only one but two little babies in there! Sometimes I totally forget and other times it's all I can think about. The changes are slight to everyone else but to me they are huge. Just the fact that my stomach is so hard and not "squishy" is weird to me. I cant just imagine what it's gonna be like when I feel like I can't possibly get any bigger!! 

How far along?- 14 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain- Initially lost 12 lbs and am still at the same weight. I was scolded at the O.B appointment last Tuesday for not gaining any. I figure I have plenty of time to do so. 
Stretch Marks- Nope!
Sleep- My hubba wubba is the best! I think he got tired of me complaining about not being able to sleep.  Cause our bed is so firm that sleeping on my side my hips, knees and arms go numb. I've always been a stomach sleeper but that's sometimes uncomfortable. So yesterday he got a memory foam mattress topper for the bed =) I threw that sucker on the bed last night and even though your supposed to wait 48 hrs for it to rise up, I was snoozing on it immediately! Now if I could tackle the obscene heat in there! It's 10 degrees out and I have the window wide open, the fan on high and the heat shut off to our room and I'm still extremely HOT! 
Miss Anything?-  Being able to do stuff on my own. As simple as I had to ask for help to open a jar of pickles! The Dr. said it's because the hormones make your muscles relax so they can stretch and this cause your hands to become weaker than normal. 
Food Cravings-  None really. When we go grocery shopping it's a race to get out cause halfway through just seeing all the food makes me feel queasy. One day hopefully soon I will tackle that cheesesteak I've been dreaming of!
Anything make you queasy or sick?- Temperature changes, the smell of dog treats, the smell of maple.
Showing Yet?-  It's growing! I notice it, not sure if anyone else can yet?
Gender Prediction- Fingers crossed for one of each but my gut feelings says it's girls.
Looking forward to-  April 4th! We have an 18 week ultrasound scheduled with the high risk doctor and they are going to attempt to see what they are! Gender Reveal Party the very next day because I'm terrible at keeping secrets!
Best Moment of the week?- Celebrating my hubby's birthday with both sides of our family. That dinner will go down in record books! We also started moving furniture for the nursery room so we could paint...goodbye makeup room ='(