Mar 24, 2014

17 Weeks Chalkboard

17 Weeks!

I feel that this week was the week that my bump decided it was no longer hiding. I literally woke up last Wednesday morning like "oh, hello there"! My husband said Friday morning that he thinks I got bigger over the last few days, so for him to notice and bring it up it must be true.  
I was thinking that the whole being sick nonsense was done and over with but Sunday night I got terribly sick from a chicken quesadilla and then Wednesday I got sick again from steamed broccoli and carrots? These are things I eat often and I'm not sure why I got sick from it. Maybe the little marshmallows decided they don't like it and they don't want me to be eating it. Nice way to send that message to me! Hah!

How far along: 17 weeks 1 day 
Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Up 3 lbs from the 12 lbs I lost in the beginning.
Stretch Marks- None. Ask again in 10 more weeks! 
Sleep- Better with the Snoogle pillow! Even my dogs love it! I have a picture below showing them snuggled up in it. 
Miss anything- Being able to move without pains in my stomach. The round ligament pain has become annoying with every movement and twist I make. Just bending over, sitting up, or getting out of bed causes pain.
 Food Cravings- I finally ate a cheesesteak but I made it at home so I could drain all the grease off. AND I made a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing! YUMM! The hubby has been loving it as much as me!
Anything make you sick/queasy-  Same ol' stuff. Brushing my teeth and temp changes. I switched back to my electric toothbrush and it's much better than a regular toothbrush. It really stops alot of the dry heaving I was having. 
Showing Yet-  Yes ma'm. People have said I'm carrying high and others say i'm low? I'm really not sure what is is this early in the game but either way they notice!
Gender Prediction- My husband and I were talking about this last night because were convinced along with alot of other people that it's two girls. But what if they decide to shock us all and are two little boys! We're really up in the air with guessing.
Looking forward to- Our appointment on Wednesday with our regular O.B. I'm hoping we can get an ultrasound and see what they are, if not we have an appointment the following Friday with the specialist who said we should be able to find out. I hope the lil buggers cooperate because we have a party planned for April 6th to tell everyone what were having. How crazy would that be to have a gender reveal party where we still don't know what they are!
Best Moment of the week- I finally felt significant movements last Friday. I was cleaning the house and going up and down the stairs and it was as if you were in an elevator that moved too fast or like a free fall. That flop you feel in your stomach is what they kept doing. And it was neat and weird cause I could feel one in the lower left and then one in the middle by my belly button.   

The girls loving my Snoogle pillow. One is in the neck bend and the other in the knee bend. 

1 comment:

  1. Odds are you will atleast be able to announce one gender :) but hoping for both bc I want to know too lol
