Mar 10, 2014

15 Week Chalkboard

15 weeks

      This time change this week with turning the clocks an hour ahead has totally screwed me up? I'm sure it does the same to alot of people but getting up this morning for work I was 100% convinced it was the wrong time and just wanted to go back to bed. After about 10 minutes of one sided conversation with my Olive about how she should kindly go into work for me, I decided I should probably stop being a cupcake and get ready for work. 

It was another busy weekend, plugging away to get the nursery setup. Right now the room is totally empty and when you talk in there it echos. I know I have alot of time but I am stubborn and impatient once I get an idea in my head. So most of the weekend was spent taping off the room and getting a first coat on the walls. It looks just as I pictured it would and I'm anxious to get the cribs in. 

How far along: 15 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain- Still at the same weight now. No more losing but no gain either.
Stretch Marks- I will be so happy if I can answer this NO this whole time!
Sleep- I've got the memory mattress for comfort, the temperature so I'm not dying hot, and the humidifier so I can breath while I sleep. So I should be set right? HAHA!!! Well now it's terrible headaches that I have for days at a time keeping me awake. I can take Tylenol but I really try not to. I read a study that it may cause ADHD in children if taken by the mother while she's pregnant. So I suffer it out until I can't anymore.
Miss anything- This week I miss coffee. I know it' safe to consume 2 caffeinated beverages a day but in the beginning the smell of coffee made me nauseous so I stopped drinking it. I may try a cup later but just the thought of getting sick from it prevents me from indulging.
 Food Cravings- None really. I'm not generally hungry but force myself to eat something. Although I did think about having a nice cucumber sandwich. I wish it wouldn't give me terrible heartburn! My husband thinks it's gross but as kids my brother & I would love picking cucumbers out of the garden and slicing them up on bread and eating them outside in the sun. 
Anything make you sick/queasy- EGGS! I've always been a scrambled eggs and melted cheese lover so this weekend I thought it would be yummy for breakfast. Um, three bites in and I felt as if I had just eaten poison! I sat them on the counter and ran for the bathroom. My husband got home not knowing I was just sick and says ohh those eggs on the counter look so good! Ahhh! Just him saying that made my stomach do flips! So, I will NOT be eating those again, like ever!
Showing Yet- Yep, there's a tummy there. Not noticeable in loose tshirts but fitted tees or tanks and standing to the side, yep definitely there!
Gender Prediction- Still thinking 2 girls, I had a few more people tell me last week that there guess is two girls. But I guess we will find out in 24 days!
Looking forward to- Our mini vacation this weekend! For my hubby's birthday (who is so hard to buy for) I rented a log cabin up in the Adirondacks by the river. He's already got the countdown going. Thinking about the warm crackling fireplace is what got me out of bed this morning.
Best Moment of the week- Saturday morning laying in bed with the window open and the sun shining on my face. It may sound simple but to me it means spring is finally coming. This winter has been too long, too cold and too much snow. 

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