Mar 17, 2014

16 Weeks Chalkboard

16 Weeks, 4 months!!!

This past weekend was just great! Just what me and the hubby needed! A beautiful cabin tucked away in the woods and nobody but us. No annoying phone calls to interrupt us every 10 minutes, no housework that needed to be done, and no worries about taking a nap in the middle of the day. Usually our weekends consist of him working and even when he is home the phone is ringing nonstop because he is always on call or me trying to play catch up with the housework from the slacking I did throughout the week. Instead we played board games, laid in bed and watched movies, fell asleep in the middle of the day and enjoyed a nice dinner out. Even with all the relaxation I was ready to come home, there's nothing like being in your own home and being close to family. 

Saturday night I got sick and was in and out of the bathroom multiple times through out the night but the only thing I care to remember was the second to last time getting back into bed I felt my stomach "shift. It was 100% the babies moving. I was holding my belly as I laid there and where I had my hand there was a shift. My belly went from soft to instant hard. As sick as I was I became instantly overcome with happiness. It was the first legit feeling of them moving. I laid there for awhile seeing if I could feel more but their show was over. I can't wait for more movement!

How far along: 16 weeks 1 day
Total Weight Loss/Gain-  Still at the same weight. I'm hoping I don't get another lecture at our visit next week on how I should be trying to gain. I eat regularly but it is what it is.
Stretch Marks-  Nope. None as of yet!
Sleep- Is okay. But could be much better. I had a friend suggest the Snoogle pillow and now that I'm convinced it would work wonders for me I'm thinking about going to get it...TONIGHT!! I am using 4 pillows now to sleep, 1 between my knees, one under my belly, one under my arm and then one for my head. The Snoogle could cover all of those areas. 
Miss anything- Knowing my body. Before I would know what to do and what was causing it and how to fix it but now it's a toss up. There's so many changes going on and everyday I notice something else. My hair is very dry and seems to never get oily. Which you think would be good but it's getting wirey.  My nose is always stuffy which I read was hormones increasing and affecting mucus membranes. Headaches that seem to last for days,  the round ligament pain that makes it hard to maneuver, the delightful way my boobs seem to ALWAYS hurt! Like I said...LOTS of changing going on!
 Food Cravings- Still want that Cheesesteak but still am afraid to go there. I don't want to get sick and never want to eat them again. I had a taco salad over the weekend and got violently sick from it. I haven't had ground beef since November ( 5 months) and it definitely made me it's victim! 
Anything make you sick/queasy-  Besides the hamburger! Yes, still the temperature change. Just makes me dry heave. If I don't talk myself down it will make me throw up. 
Showing Yet-  Yepps.  I notice it more than anyone just because although it's barely there it's a different shape.
Gender Prediction- Still going with two girls. Although every bit of me prays for one of each. David really wants to teach his boy the ways of the farm. But even with two girls they will know what a barn smells like, what milk tastes like straight out of the bulk tank and just how their Daddy's family has such pride in Mud Hollow Farms =)
Looking forward to-  Next Thursday's appointment, hoping we get to see what they are and if not we have another appointment 9 days after and ill definitely find out then! 
Best Moment of the week- Watching my husband relax and enjoy his weekend without the ringing of his company phone. It was 29 degrees out and he still jumped in the hot tub and relaxed. It's nice to see him have fun and be silly every once in a while. 

Some pictures from our little getaway!

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